
202228. – 30.10. Werft Schaum
exhibition project by and with Dagmar I. Glausnitzer-Smith, Werftraum- Atlier Braunschweig (G)

03. – 11.09. SPEICHERn
former granary Potsdam Rehbrücke , artifact e.V. Postdam in cooperation with Kunstraum Potsdam (G)

09. – 11.09. Justamente
Kunst passiert, the art festival for Braunschweig in the urban space Braunschweig, Allgemeiner Konsumverein e.V. (G)

15. – 17.07. Neue Studios
WRG Studios e.V., Braunschweig (G)
EXHIBITIONS (S)= solo (G)= group